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Sneak Peek: 3 Young Entrepreneurs in Action

We've talked about earning money before. Here's a sample of how my young entrepreneurs have been creating revenue lately.

Cute dog

The older daughter has a dog care job while our neighbors are out of town. She biked over to let the dog out and fed her breakfast before school this morning.

She will walk, feed, and play with her twice again before the final tuck-in at night. My daughter also brings in their mail and takes their trash/recycling to the curb.

She has been building a clientele in the neighborhood for several years. While it's harder during the school year, she's still able to support families on a limited basis.

young entrepreneur shredding papers

My son is shredding family financial and other papers containing personal information.

In a decluttering fit, I recently weeded through old files. Seriously, who keeps apartment leases from the late 1990s? (Apparently, I do)

His dad also gave him two boxes of old business documents to shred, which kept him busy for a few more hours.

He's getting paid by the Xerox boxful. He likes it because it's easy, indoors, and he can watch TV while he works, unlike the raking of old leaves I asked him to do before the new leaves pile on top.

He's saving up for an expensive Scouting trip next summer, for which he has to contribute a portion of the fees. While he doesn't love every job, they do add up to extra income for him.

young entrepreneur scanning mail

Our younger daughter has been regularly scanning the mail for her dad's Real Estate business. His virtual assistant processes the bills remotely and files the important documents away.

Dad pays for her time from the business payroll. She submitted a W-9 and she'll receive a 1099-NEC at year-end. This plus filing taxes allows her to contribute her earnings to a Roth IRA. It's never too young to get started. At 11, time is truly on her side.

How are your kids engaging in entrepreneurship? If they need ideas, download your free list of kid revenue ideas HERE.

If your kid already has a great idea, help them assemble a plan using this free and easy 8-Step Business Plan HERE.

Join our Facebook Community of parents raising money-smart kids to support one another on this journey.

I hope this sparks some ideas for your kiddos. How do YOUR young entrepreneurs like to earn extra spending money?

Not sure how to introduce money concepts to your children? Check out my new online course: Raising Wealthy Kids


Stephanie Brooke Lennon is the author of Family Bank Blueprint, GoldQuest, and What Would Water Do? Simple Strategies for Navigating Life's Obstacles. Her titles are available in Paperback and Kindle on Follow Stephanie Brooke on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and at ​

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