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More than Wealth: Nurturing Generosity Through Volunteering

Eggs & Dairy

Picture this: it's the start of Memorial Day weekend, and the sky is threatening with serious storm clouds. I dearly wanted something to do that was the opposite of 3 kids parked on sofas with their screens. It was the perfect time to spread some love and lend a helping hand at our local food bank.

We’d never done this as a family before. It was a real adventure!

We showed up, registered, and were told where to go - in our case, this was inside the warehouse. Upbeat music was on the loudspeaker, and we were ready to go. I’m sure I embarrassed at least one kid with my dance moves, but whatever. We joined forces with other awesome volunteers, working this super-efficient food-packing assembly line. Outside, cars started queuing up as volunteers and police officers guided traffic.

The cart pushers lined up, and in a remarkably well-oiled factory procession, navigated their carts through the volunteers who loaded their station’s food items into each basket. Team Lennon had specific roles: I was the banana lady, one daughter rocked the milk and eggs, another was the blackberry queen, and my son took on heavy-duty work, lifting bags of canned goods into the shopping carts.

Rain Delay

When an electrical storm rolled in, the production line paused. Metal shopping carts and lightning do not mix. The shopping cart pushers came out of the rain to wait out the storm. Beach balls appeared and the Beach Boys’ Greatest Hits tunes turned the break into an impromptu party.

My youngest was a social butterfly, loving every moment of chatting with other volunteers and jamming to the music while she worked. Her station partner stopped me to compliment her efforts and attitude, making my heart sing. Even my older daughter, who's not much of a people person, found her groove with a focused, well-defined job to fulfill. They did great.

Now, let me say, the produce section was a whole vibe. From the classic, trusty bananas to mysterious jackfruit (seriously, what even is that?), we sorted through it all, ensuring the freshest stuff made it to the waiting cars outside.

Blackberry Queen

My kids truly do not understand how good they have it, especially my pickiest eater. I gently pointed out a couple of times, what if you had to eat whatever you were given, without much choice in the matter? He shrugged. Knowing him, he heard my message and will reflect on it later. That won’t change his picky tastebuds overnight, but I hope it gives him some perspective and maybe a new appreciation for how fortunate he is.

As the evening progressed, fewer families than usual were coming by for provisions. We were instructed to kick it into high gear, loading up those carts with double and triple allotments of produce to minimize any food going to waste. There were so many beautiful strawberries and blackberries distributed this week – I’m envisioning smoothies, berry bowls, and maybe even strawberry shortcakes coming together.

My kiddos hadn't experienced anything like this before, and it was eye-opening for them. The whole experience was just... wholesome. It was enjoyable, and time well spent. While giving back to our community, we bonded as a family, creating memories away from screens and sibling squabbles. To further emphasize to them how fortunate we are, we went out for dinner afterward and debriefed our evening. There was a little less bickering, and a little more kindness all evening.

Lifting the Heavy Canned Goods

Last Friday was a great first step. I anticipate we will return several more times this summer, as this particular food bank hosts distributions two Fridays each month.

"To whom much is given, much is expected." Teaching our kids to succeed financially is incredibly important, and so is instilling a sense of giving back. Whether it's with their time, money, or both - the more they have, the more they can give, thus amplifying their personal impact throughout their lives. I believe kids are born with generosity embedded in their souls, but sometimes that fades over time. We must ensure wealth-building doesn't lead to miserliness by nurturing generosity.

What does your family like to do to spread love in your community? I'm all ears for more ideas (please drop in the comments)! Let's keep the kindness train rolling.

Thanks for reading, and here's to a summer filled with blessings and good vibes! 🌟

Not sure how to introduce money concepts to your children? Check out my new online course: Raising Wealthy Kids


Stephanie Brooke Lennon is the author of Family Bank Blueprint, GoldQuest, and What Would Water Do? Simple Strategies for Navigating Life's Obstacles. Her titles are available in Paperback and Kindle on Follow Stephanie Brooke on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and at ​

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