Thank You For Inviting Me Into Your Wednesday!
Before moving to Richmond, I frequented the Flow Yoga class at my community’s Sports Pavilion. Lorraine is the regular instructor; she is a lovely lady who guides the room from sun salutations through final relaxation. As we would sit facing her on our mats at the end of each practice, she sends us off with a Namaste and a heartfelt, “Thank you for inviting me into your Wednesday!”
This thought makes me smile every time I hear it. This week, I took the time to reflect on this concept of inviting someone into my life. Each minute of each hour of each day is precious. Once spent, there’s no recouping lost time or requesting a refund or credit. I can’t go back to my twenties to do something I missed out on when I was otherwise busy – that boat has sailed. What I can do however is make sure I spend each current and future minute doing the things I care most passionately about, with the people who matter most to me.

My dear friend Shel and I had wine and cheese on my deck together one evening before the move. Beyond simply being an excellent way to spend a few precious hours, we talked about the concept of inviting people into our lives and living consciously. At a certain point in one’s life we concluded, it is not unusual to feel yourself awakening from a fog or a deep slumber. It starts by recognizing that you’ve been living your life on auto-pilot, and that your time is running out. Ah, the urgency created by a sense of mortality! There were many other things each of us could have spent our evening doing, and many other people we could have chosen to be with. At that time and place, there was nobody else with whom I wanted to share my three hours. I invited her into my evening, and she bolstered my soul. I hope I was able to give a little bit back in return for the invitation into her life!
As you reflect on your own life and priorities, decide who you want to spend your life with. Start calling, e-mailing, and/or otherwise reaching out to those people to make appointments for coffee, conversation, a phone call, or whatever works for you. Be very aware of the people you feel you *should* spend time with, versus those you really *want* to spend time with. Give one of your *wants* one or two of your *should’s* hours instead! Remember – it’s your life to live. Make the most out of every free hour you have.
Shel and Lorraine – thank YOU for inviting me into YOUR day!
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”
- John Lennon
Stephanie Brooke Lennon is the author of Family Bank Blueprint, GoldQuest, and What Would Water Do? Simple Strategies for Navigating Life's Obstacles. Her titles are available in Paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com. Follow Stephanie Brooke on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and at BrookeLennon.com.