I am so excited to launch MVP of my website today. Is it perfect? No! Is it perfectly published? It sure is! I am learning new skills every day.

I look forward to taking this site further, with periodic blog posts and updates. I am aiming for 1-2 blog posts/month. I am hard at work editing the UNstuck manuscript, as my initial beta reader feedback started coming in over Thanksgiving weekend. If you would like an email notification upon its publication, please be sure to share your email address with me.
With this exciting milestone complete, I wish each of you a very good night. This kitten is done for today! Cheers and all my best to you, Brooke
Stephanie Brooke Lennon is the author of Family Bank Blueprint, GoldQuest, and What Would Water Do? Simple Strategies for Navigating Life's Obstacles. Her titles are available in Paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com. Follow Stephanie Brooke on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and at BrookeLennon.com.